Thursday, December 9, 2010

Carissa carandas Linn.

Carissa carandas Linn.

Karvand, Karvanda, Christ’s thorn.

A large evergreen shrub to 5m with a short stem, globrous except the inflorescence, both light grey, scaly, branchlets usually without Spines 2-4 cm long at their base;branches usually without spines. Leaves simple, obovate or oblanceolate 2.5 -5 X 2-3 cm, coriaceous, glabrous & shining, base acute to cuneate, apex obtuse or enarginate, tip apiculate, petioles 3-6 mm long, lateral nerves arching towards margin. Inflorescence: 2-3 chotomous, terminal or axillary, peduncles puberulous to 2.5 cm. Flower white, scarcely odorus, pedicels very short, bract linear, pubescent. Calyx lobes 5-4 mm, pubescent, linear – lanceolate, very acute. Corola tube about 1cm long, oblong – lanceolate, acute, often pubescent and cilioate. Stamens 5, attached from above the middle of the tube, filaments 0.5mm, anthers 2.5mm, linear – oblong, stamens included within the corolla tube. Ovary 2 mm , globrous, sty;e 8mm, stigma pointed ovules in each cell. Fruit: berry ellipsoid, 1.5 cm across, purplish to black when ripe, smooth, 4-8 seeded.
Flowers: January- April

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